The Tick Sound in This Game Is So Funny
Charades is the perfect party game. You can play it anytime, anywhere, with people of any age, and you don't need any extra materials or complicated rules to start the fun. All you need are a few friends and funny charades ideas for what words and phrases to act out. If you need a refresher on how to play charades or are looking for some ideas for funny charade topics, you've come to the right place! In this article, I'll give you a basic run down of the rules for charades and then provide over 100 funny charades ideas that you can use in your next game. Charades is an easy, fun game that you can play with people of any age anywhere you have room to gather and move around a bit. Follow these rules for a basic game of charades. #1: Break your group into two equal teams. #2: Choose a team to go first. #3: The team that goes first chooses one team member to go first. #4: The team member that goes first chooses a word or phrase to act out without words. #5: The team member's team must guess the word or phrase within one minute. #6: If the team is able to guess the word or phrase, they get a point. If they don't guess correctly, they don't get a point. #7: The other team repeats this process. #8: Keep playing until all team members have gone. #9: The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Stuck on which words or phrases to use in your next game of charades? Use these funny charades ideas for adults and children. Playing with kids, or people who haven't played charades before? Use these words for an easy, fun-for-all game. Up for a bit of a challenge? These medium funny charades topics will give you a more challenging game. Playing with a team of experts? Use these difficult charades words to truly test your abilities. If you're playing with kids or fans of Disney movies, try acting out these popular Disney titles and phrases. Try embodying these famous singers, songwriters, instruments, and songs to turn your game of charades into a hilarious pantomimed concert. Try your hand at acting out these sports. Some of the funny charades topics are easy; some will make you think! Take a walk on the wild side and act out the behaviors of these common and not-so-common animals.
How to Play Charades
100+ Funny Charades Ideas
Easy Charades Words
airplane boat baby ears scissors cough cold phone laugh blink hairbrush sneeze spin hammer book phone toothbrush jump clap slap Medium Charades Words
archer ghost balance shoelaces sick balloon banana peel monster hiccup stomp hurt hungry slip karate ladder scare fishing dizzy read hot Hard Charades Words
birthday president apartment cradle coffee trampoline waterfall window proud stuck-up flashlight marry overwhelm judge shadow halo measure clown chomp slither Disney Charades Words
The Lion King "Let it go!" Bambi "Drink me" Lady and the Tramp "On a magic carpet ride" "Hakuna matata" The Little Mermaid "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down" Cinderella Musician Charades Words
Elvis Taylor Swift One Direction Michael Jackson rock star drums "Shout!" Rolling Stones "Singin' in the Rain" "The hills are alive, with the sound of music" Britney Spears "No Woman, No Cry" James Taylor rock star guitar Sports Charades Words
Archery Basketball Figure skating Hockey Baseball Croquet Golf Horseback riding Cheerleading Football Soccer Darts Roller derby Table tennis Handball Animal Charades Words
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About the Author
Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.
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