Penitentiary Officer Accused of Shoplifting at Boardman Walmart Again

Default Defendant of Shoplifting at Walmart

Commencement off I would like to accept the time to thank any and every 1 that takes the time to read my situation and can offer whatever advice.

I was shopping at Walmart a few weeks ago, my first stop in Walmart was the Electronics Section where I picked up 2 DVDs and threw them into my cart. Checked my list to see what I needed next and continued on with my shopping. I ended up picking up several larger items, which fabricated me place the DVDs in the upper area of the cart where my purse was. I stopped at the Jewelry section, made a buy, and put the item (in a walmart bag with reciept) into my purse. Soon thereafter I fabricated my mode to the checkout and made my purchases. I should mention at this signal that during my shopping in Walmart I kept coming upon this very disheveled looking homo that was flirting with me, he fifty-fifty bumped into me during one of the encounters and and then apogized and winked at me. (weird)

And so I've made my purchases and as I was walking out the door the alarm went off, I thought cipher of it because the alarms become off there all the time. Still, I stopped, pulled my cart dorsum inside the shop and handed my reciept to one of the Walmart employee's at the door while another employee looked through the cart. They finished looking smiled and waved me through proverb "You're fine sweety, these things go off all the fourth dimension" at the adjacent go out (there are two exits in the garden middle 1 at the actual building and then another at garden centre gate) and then at the next go out, the walmart employee looked at my recipt, glanced through the cart and thanked me for shopping at Walmart.

I got about 10 steps out into the parking lot when I heard a voice backside me "Hey, can I talk to you for a minnute infant?" When I turned effectually and said "I don't call back then" I saw it was the aforementioned scruffy looking man that had been following me throughout the store. At that indicate I got a little nervous, and turned to keep walking... he so said "Are yous certain I can't talk to y'all for a minnute honey?" past this time I am nervous, a footling frightened, and very anoyed. I snarled back at him "Yes!, I'yard Sure!" It was then that he identified himself as Walmart security and asked me if I could come dorsum in the store with him. Still a trivial wary simply feeling that the store would be a condom place I agreed.

As "Scruffy" and I are walking back into the store, his whole mental attitude changes he's no longer hitting on me he's in "payback mode" - "Are you Actually going to tell me that you don't know why I stopped yous?" to which I replied Aye. At virtually the same fourth dimension I am saying yep, I look down and run across the two DVD's that were the first items I picked upwardly in the store in the top basket of the cart. (the layout was such: front of cart handbasket, purse, dvd'southward, back of cart basket)

Now I feel stupid, and I'm non to skillful to admit... a fiddling full of myself. This guys non striking on me, he's security! I laughed and explained to him that I didn't realize they were there and I would glady pay for them. To which his response was "You WISH you lot could pay for them, y'all're disrepair!" I further endeavour to explicate that I am an honest person and this is an honest error, I will gladly pay for the dvd's I missed them in checkout just like the 3 Walmart employee's that searched my cart did when I came dorsum inside the shop when the alarm went off. They didn't see them, I forgot about them... it was a MISTAKE. That's when he tells me that "Perchance this volition teach me a lesson and I will be nicer to people in the future" (nicer to people!!!?????) He and then tell's me he's been doing this for x years and he knows it wasn't a mistake and that I probably "don't fifty-fifty have the ways to pay for the items that's why I stole them" I again reiterate that I did NOT steal them, that information technology was an honest fault, I showed him that I had enough of greenbacks to pay for the dvd'southward. His response was "What? Were ya gonna pay for 'em in the F***ing parking lot?!" I and then realized I was not going to get anywhere with this guy he was hellbent on making my day one I wished I never got up for.

He then take'due south me in a back room, photographs me and asks me to sign some paper... after glancing at the paper I see that information technology says shoplifting and turn down to sign it because I WAS Not SHOPLIFTING. He so tells me that I will be recieving a letter within a few weeks, with a demand from Walmart for $200 that I tin pay in payments if demand be. He calls the constabulary, they come, fingerprint me and have me sign a arrest/complaint form and let me walk out of Walmart on my own acord with a alert that if I come dorsum to Walmart I will be arrested for tresspassing.

I don't know what to exercise at this bespeak, do I need a lawyer? Will ane be provided for me? Do I have any recourse, I feel violated by "scruffy" and Walmart.

The total for the DVD's was $37 I am in Miami FL.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Default Shoplifting Accusation - WalMart

Given that you indicate that you were identified and followed past security at an early stage in your visit, it is likely that yous were being direct videotaped from the security room from the moment "scruffy" first started to follow yous.

Given that the police were involved, you lot will probably receive a notice to appear in courtroom on a shoplifting charge. Y'all should consider getting a lawyer, so trying to get the shop security videotapes. Once you are charged, if you cannot afford a lawyer, you tin petition the court to appoint a lawyer to correspond you.


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